Great Lakes Hydrilla Collaborative


Online Resources

There are a number of online resources that can serve as tools for obtaining information on research and management initiatives associated with hydrilla.

USACE Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC)'s Knowledge Core: ERDC is the research organization of the USACE and conducts research and development in support of a variety of programs and topics, including aquatic plants. Knowledge Core compiles ERDC’s research publications and historical knowledge in a searchable database. It includes articles, technical reports, working papers, photographs, videos, and more.

Aquatic Plant Control Research Program: The ERDC Aquatic Plant Control Research Program (APCRP) is the nation’s only federally authorized research program directed to develop technology for the management of non-indigenous aquatic plant species. APCRP continues to research information on the growth and ecological requirements of problem aquatic plants, including hydrilla, and is producing new biological, chemical, and ecological technologies for their management; this website provides a range of information about that program and their research. There are two areas of interest on this website: 1) "Current Research" includes fact sheets that summarize ongoing efforts, and 2) "Technology Transfer" where you will find a list of various resources: technical reports, technical notes, a list of peer-reviewed journal articles published as a result of work funded by the program, bulletins, webinars, and other resources. Technical reports and technical notes will allow you to search by words in a title or by author. Links to PDFs should be available for most technical reports and notes.

Aquatic Plant Management Society: The Aquatic Plant Management Society (APMS) is an international organization of scientists, regulatory agencies, universities, applicators, and others interested in the management and study of aquatic plants. APMS publishes the Journal of Aquatic Plant Management twice each year and can be accessed online. Currently, full articles are available through 2016. Complete articles are available online after two years. However, there are some articles categorized as "open access" which do have a full PDF available. Another helpful resource on the APMS website is the "Links" page, which provides links to a variety of helpful aquatic plant-related resources.

Aquatic and Invasive Plant Information Retrieval System (APIRS): This searchable database is maintained by the University of Florida and includes more than 90,000 annotated citations to peer-reviewed literature and reports produced by researchers and practitioners.

USGS Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database: This is an information resource that serves as a central repository for spatially referenced data on introduced aquatic species. Of note is the mapping tool in which the user can create custom queries.